
How Trainear Works ?

Trainear is a simple and easy to play along game to help you practice your rhythm and timing. It is designed to help you improve your sense of rhythm and timing by playing along with the beats.

The main idea is that you first listen to the beats that are randomly generated every turn and then try to play the same rhythm.

No instrument is required to play this game, you can simply clap your hands, sing along or use any other object to make a sound.

Let's get familiar with game interface

Game Interface

Game currently supports 4/4 time signature only. Thus, each box represents a note whose value is set according to the selected subdivision:


Accented Note

Silent Note

Every row represents a 4/4 bar. If number of the bars is more than one, the bars are divided with horizontal lines to make player follow the rhythm easily:

Above is a two 4/4 bar with 8th subdivision example.

Game Settings

In game settings, you can adjust number of bars, tempo and volume.

Game settings image

Game settings interface

Below the metronome section, you can see the current tempo for the game.
If you want to hear the metronome click, you can set it on or off and adjust the metronome click volume.

Below the notes section, you can set the subdivision and number of the bars 4/4 you want to play. Additionally, you can enable or disable the accented notes which can be good for spicing things up.

Suggestions for practice